Programme and Terms of Participation
1. General Information.
Under current conditions of global warming (or glaciation) the aim of the Festival is all possible development of innovative ideas for organization and reclamation of shore spaces of oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. We also have some particular tasks, which are:
- Modern ecological, town – planning, architectural and design development of shore and insular territories;
- Creation of ecologically adequate recreational environment;
- Drawing attention of state, municipal and social institutions to development prospects of shore and insular territories;
- Every possible development of water tourism activities in Russia and creation of its infrastructure;
- Promotion of active life style;
- Assistance in innovative technologies implementation in process of shore territory development;
- Drawing attention of investors, designers, building companies, materials and technology producers to the new prospects and ideas of shore spaces development.
Among these tasks, the enlargement and preservation of the beaches in the shore resorts are the sharpest and vital problems, because beaches are the main and irreplaceable value of each resort.
The aim of the competition is to find the best architectural, planning and design ideas for enlargement and preservation of the natural and artificial beaches at the urban and suburb territories.
The main Competition object is to suggest an original conceptual solution demonstrating contemporary and innovative approach to the spatial reclamation of natural and artificial beaches and territories.
The Competition is open. Eligibility: Professionally qualified (diplomaed) architects aged up to 35 years (and architects’ teams), who have accepted the programme and terms for participation and registered as Competitors are eligible.
The Competition participants get the right to take part in all events held in frames of the “Eco-shore” Festival.
3. Competition Programme.
3.1. The Competitors determine for themselves the list of documents and presentation technique for Competition design delivery including all the necessary drawings clarifying the authors’ idea. As a source material for the designing, the competitors may take the territory of an existing natural or artificial beach in the shore zone of the Black sea.
4. Terms of the Competition
4.1. The Competition designs should be fulfilled in computer-graphics and delivered by e-mail fully configured and prepared for the printout on one panel, sizes 1000 х 1000 (height) mm.
For anonymity purposes the designs should be delivered under a six-figured code (height 10 mm) placed in the right upper corner of all the materials presented for the Competition. The Competition materials should be supplemented by an envelope with the abovementioned code on the outside and inside the envelope there should be all the information about the author or authors’ team (authors’ full names, tel. numbers, home addresses, passports data, percentage distribution of the prize between the authors’ team members).
4.2. The Competition Organizers have a right to exclude from consideration the following entries:
- non-conforming the Programme requirements and Competition terms;
- those with deliberately broken anonymity.
4.3. The Competition terms envisage the following awards:
One First Prize - 2 000 €.
One Second Prize - 1 500 €.
Two Third Prizes - 1 000 € each.
The Competition Jury and Organizers have a right to adjudge special prizes for some special achievements and felicitous solutions.
The Competition Promoters have a right to adjudge their own prizes and awards.
4.4. The designs that have received Prizes or special awards will be published in mass-media of Competition information partners.
4.5. In order to size up the Competition results, a Jury is being assembled, including honorary guests of the “ECO-Shore” Festival, leading architects from the Festival participants’ countries, as well as Competition organizers and promoters.
The full list of the Jury will be published and announced during the Festival Opening Ceremony.
Oleg Kazinskiy /Russia, Krasnodarskiy region, Sochi/ is the Competition Curator.
Competition Secretary is appointed by the Competition Curator: ____________ /Russia/.
Chairman of the Jury will be elected at the first Jury meeting by a simple majority vote.
Members of the Jury have no right to take part in the Competition. The Jury’s decisions are finalized in a Jury Meeting Protocol signed by all the Jury Members, who took part in the Jury meeting. In case of equal voting the Jury’s Chairman will have a casting vote.
4.6. The deadline for receiving the participants’ entries is July 14, 2012. The entries should be presented by the filled in Registration Form (Enclosure No. 2) to the e-mail address:
The Competition Organizers will output (type-out) the exhibition materials (panels, banners) for the Competition projects.
The files with Competition projects should be sent to the Internet share site: or
The received link should be sent to the address: and include all the contact data and code number of the project.
Requirements for the files: pdf, jpg, size 1:1, with resolution from 150 to 350 dpi, without any data compression.
4.7. Competition Schedule and Deadlines for Competition projects delivery:
Publication of the Competition Programme and Terms – May 14, 2012.
Deadline for the Participants’ registration – up to July 14, 2012.
Participants’ questions – up to August 14, 2012.
Deadline for the Competition designs and materials delivery – up to September 10, 2012.
Opening of the Competition projects Exhibition– September 27, 2012.
Jury meeting – September 28, 2012.
Adjudication and announcement of the Competition results – September 29, 2012.
Enclosure 1
Two sites are suggested:
1. The “Riviera” city public beach in historical centre of the city.
Accompanying initial data:
• General layout;
• Topography, scale 1:500;
• Photo fixation of historical (the “Caucasus Riviera” sanatorium) and existing buildings (beach of the “Zvezdny” Hotel).
2. The “Matsesta” suburb public beach.
Accompanying initial data:
• General layout;
• Topography, scale 1:500;
• Photo fixation of historical and existing buildings.