Connections, diversity, integration, resilience, sustainability, responsibility, humility; these are the principles that will guide the dynamic, challenging and inspiring debates during the UIA Congress in Durban (3-7 August 2014).
One of the foremost ambitions of the UIA congress is to promote the idea that the city is an ecosystem at the service of all segments of the population. Scientific papers will illustrate the congress theme:
“ARCHITECTURE OTHERWHERE” and the three sub-themes:
. RESILIENCE, in terms of poverty alleviation, space, geo-political economies.
. ECOLOGY encompassing the notions of time, evolution, systems, and environment.
. VALUES, notably those related to professional practice and architectural education.
Submission will be made online via a dedicated platform.
Abstracts, written in English, must not exceed 300 words and must not include any illustrations.
Abstract submission deadline: 31 October 2013.