Международная Ассоциация Союзов Архитекторов
The International Association of Eurasian Unions of Architects (IAUA)

This international prize is designed to highlight completed landscape projects and promote the quality of urban green spaces and forests. The Prize has become biennial with this its eighth edition. It has been approuved of the International Union of Architects (UIA). 

Three types of realisations
Completed works submitted for this prize must be presented in one of the following three categories:
• Landscape design in transformation of the territory: environment restoration, renewal and recovery;
• Green urban spaces: squares, neighbourhood green spaces, urban and private parks;
• Private gardens in cities and suburbs.

The Prize is open to architects and professionals of landscape planning registered with the professionbal bodies in their countries. Realisations having already won other prizes are not eligible for the 2011 prize.

There is no registration fee. Registration will take place at the time of submission of entries that must be dispatched to the organisers by express courier or postal service no later than 1st April 2011 and be received by 9 April 2011 at the lastest.

The international jury will be composed of professionals appointed by the following organisation: The International Union of Architects (UIA); the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA); the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA); the European Foundation of Landscape Architects (EFLA); the European Federation for Landscape Architecture (FEAP); the Italian National Council of Architects, Planners, Conservationists, Landscape architects (CNAPPC); the Council of the National Order of Italian Agronomists and Foresters (CONAF); the Italian Association of Landscape Architecture (AIAPP), as well as a representative of the editorial board of the Italian periodical “Torsanlorenzo Informa” and Mario Margheriti, for Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico. The jury will meet on 20April 2011. Dr Kongjean Yuo (China) will represent UIA on the jury.

Two prizes will be awarded in each of the three categories: a first prize of 2 500 euro; a second of 1000 euro. The official prize giving ceremony will be held on 21 May 2011.

All entries will be exhibited at Euroflora, in Genoa, from 21 April until 1 May 2011. Visitors to Euroflora will be invited to vote for the project of their choice. The winner will receive a special Euroflora prize.

Premio Internazionale Torsanlorenzo


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